Dalton Receives Prestigious Award from the 24 Karat Club

Dalton Powell, the Business Manager of Oz's Jewelers and owner of DP Creative, was recently honored with the Robert Foreman Memorial Scholarship Award at the 24 Karat Club SEUS Gala in Atlanta. The award was presented at a gala that took place alongside the Atlanta Jewelry Show, a premier event for the jewelry industry, and highlights Dalton's dedication to advancing his education and making a significant impact in the jewelry sector.
Powell shared his excitement and gratitude, stating:
"I’m incredibly honored to have been presented with the Robert Foreman Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded annually to a professional in the jewelry industry who is passionate about furthering their education to best support the industry. It’s designed to support those who are committed to making a lasting impact in the industry, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have been chosen."
Dalton's scholarship will be used to further his expertise within the field, with a focus on becoming a Gemologist, a prestigious designation that will enhance his ability to serve both customers and the jewelry industry at large. The distinction of becoming a gemologist will pair well with his other academic accolades, as he is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as well as having earned a masters degree in business management from Wake Forest University at the ripe young age of 21.
"With the scholarship, I plan to expand my knowledge and skills, which will allow me to better serve the jewelry community and contribute to the growth and innovation of our industry. I'm excited to invest these funds into my continued education and use that knowledge to drive positive change in how we serve customers and elevate the standards of the jewelry business."
"We are so very proud of Dalton and all his accomplishments since he started with us nearly 5 years ago.” Says Oz Hefner of Oz’s Jewelers. “His most recent accomplishment was winning the prestigious Robert Foreman scholarship award at The 24 kt club during the Atlanta Jewelry Show. I know he will definitely use this scholarship to benefit and continue his education, as Dalton is one of the hardest working young men that I have met in my many years. Believe me when I say that Dalton will shine in the jewelry industry. Proud of you Dalton."
Powell was sponsored for the award by Carolyn Woltz Lennon, who stated: "It was my honor to be Dalton's 24kt Club SEUS sponsor. The Club is so impressed with Dalton's accomplishments and we feel so fortunate to be a part of his incredible journey moving forward. We are all so thrilled that Dalton won this prestigious scholarship. I am blessed to be a great friend of Oz and Brenda Hefner and to have met Dalton years ago."
This scholarship award marks a significant milestone in Dalton's career and reflects his dedication to not only personal growth but also to the future of the jewelry industry. His passion for education and commitment to elevating the standards of the business will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on the field.